September 23, 2021
Contemplating the beauty and serenity of Sable’s ruined world gave me some comfort. On one level, if and when Earth is finally desolate it might at least be peaceful, mysterious, and interesting to its surviving scavenger tribes. There’s something awe-inspiring about thinking on that timescale. Would the denizens of a post-apocalyptic world be awake to […]
tags: buddhism, climate change, computer games, gaming, meditation, mindfulness, post-apocalyptic, Sable, sci-fi, science fiction, video games
September 9, 2021
I have conflicted feelings about computers. As a boy, I loved nature and playing in the garden more than anything. I thought computers were sinister, inherently bad, maybe even evil. Then, around 1990, my parents bought my brother and I an Amiga 500. At first, I was disappointed. What did I want with a computer […]
tags: addiction, balance, computer games, computers, ethics, gaming, lockdown, meditation, philosophy, sea of thieves, social media, twitter, video games, Xbox
August 9, 2021
“Sati is not heavy, not harsh, not rigid. It is supple, light, invisible. It has not flavor of its own. It is uncontracted, unmanipulative attention that allows phenomena to arise and pass according to their own nature without the tethers of reactivity and control.” —Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey, Insurgent Heart There’s a fascinating dharma book available […]
May 22, 2020
I had a go at mapping early Buddhist practice systematically. It’s over-simplified, of course, despite the fact that I couldn’t get it to look as elegant as I’d wanted. There’s a lot missing, such as the brahmaviharas’ value as concentration and insight practices, and their role in facing off against the hindrances. Some of the […]
If we think critically about critical thinking, we may find that sometimes we need to apply a little faith—not too much, not credulity—in order to get started, give something a chance, make progress, find out for ourselves.