Almost Composed

Meditation and curiosity

The Unexpected Path: Buddhism and parenting an autistic child

November 12, 2021

To those of you who are struggling with doubt about meditation practice, if you believe that your life conditions are too intense, too chaotic for practice to bear fruit, I would like to offer some reassurance. At age three, my son was diagnosed with autism. It is distressing to see your child unable to cope […]

categories: essays, reflections

Stoicism and parenting an autistic child

October 12, 2021

Another school run, another test from the Stoic gods. I had just finished listening to The Stoic Test Challenge by William Irvine, as I drove through the narrow, winding lanes and up to the school where I took two attempts to reverse park under the disapproving gaze of an impatient mum. The Stoic test I […]

categories: essays, philosophy

Insurgent Heart

August 9, 2021

“Sati is not heavy, not harsh, not rigid. It is supple, light, invisible. It has not flavor of its own. It is uncontracted, unmanipulative attention that allows phenomena to arise and pass according to their own nature without the tethers of reactivity and control.” —Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey, Insurgent Heart There’s a fascinating dharma book available […]

categories: books