September 21, 2022
I’ve been messing around with the Stable Diffusion AI image generator via Dream Studio. It’s quite mind-blowing. The image above was generated with the keywords, “One red eye cyborg concept art.” It creeps me out a bit, and I don’t actually like using it here that much. For better sci-fi pieces, check this algorithm-generated art. […]
tags: AI, art, artificial intelligence, buddhism, creativity, love, personal development, reality, rise of the machines, sci-fi, science fiction
September 23, 2021
Contemplating the beauty and serenity of Sable’s ruined world gave me some comfort. On one level, if and when Earth is finally desolate it might at least be peaceful, mysterious, and interesting to its surviving scavenger tribes. There’s something awe-inspiring about thinking on that timescale. Would the denizens of a post-apocalyptic world be awake to […]
tags: buddhism, climate change, computer games, gaming, meditation, mindfulness, post-apocalyptic, Sable, sci-fi, science fiction, video games
December 23, 2014
I’d like to offer something different for your reading pleasure: a sci-fi short set in a bleak colonial future. Merry Christmas! Technicalities I joined the mechanised division in 2505 after graduating with a 412.3/1 kill average. My first co-pilot was a greyhair named Johnson. She’d been planetside for too long. She mumbled to herself and her kill […]