September 24, 2019
I’ve set up a web presence at Some friends and I are producing short films connected to the landscape of our youth. The next film we release is titled Pursuit, and it’ll be uploaded to YouTube on Halloween. Here’s a scene from the film. You can connect with Waxland Tales on Twitter and Instagram […]
July 31, 2019
This is a Quake 2 video I edited. It features some ridiculous and frags and trick sequences performed by my bro. If you’ve ever played an old school deathmatch game you’ll know how hard all this is: anticipating the location of your enemy, timing mid-air rockets, maximising your control of the map and trying not […]
October 16, 2017
How do? I had a poem shortlisted in this year’s Live Canon poetry competition. As in previous years, the shortlisted poems were performed by LC’s actors. Leon Scott memorised mine and it was filmed a few days later. He really brings it to life, performing it with great openness, heart, and soul. The poem is […]
January 20, 2017
Matt found the following footage in Uffmoor Woods. What can it mean?
July 15, 2013
Here are some brief videos of poems from The Inner Sea filmed on a beach in Cornwall.