Almost Composed

Meditation and curiosity

Getting published – talk by Alysoun Owen, editor of The Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook

February 8, 2014

Alysoun’s talk focused on the changing landscape of publishing, self-publishing strategies and what publishers have to offer. I was particularly interested in ‘how to hook an agent’. What she had to say was pragmatic and at times sobering. Suffice to say a lot of people write but not many make much money at it. Fine if you’re writing because you have something to say or a particular way to say it.

Some highlights:

  1. there are more opportunities than ever to have your work read
  2. you can help your chances by knowing how it all works and being canny
  3. have a clear conception of your work, the genre and who will read it
  4. social media and blogs give you the opportunity to build an audience
  5. be patient AND ambitious.

Alysoun mentioned the vibrancy of the poetry scene when asked, and the many readings and events happening across the country.

categories: reflections
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